What to Look For in a Storage Provider

When you need storage for your valuable pieces, you don’t want to make the mistake of trusting the wrong provider. From water and sun damage to temperature issues and other types of hazardous effects, there are countless ways that your valuable goods, assets, and possessions won’t be in the same shape as how you left them.
Sure, you may think that you just need a place to store your items, but when you have residential valuables or one-of-a-kind pieces for a business, brand, gallery, or showroom, typical storage just won’t do. Unlike common storage lockers that are purchased for months at a time and left unattended until you return to collect your items, a storage warehouse is a monitored and organized place for all types of goods from cherished antiques to irreplaceable art or bespoke furniture, as well as anything else you can think of.
But when choosing a storage warehouse, here are some things to keep in mind to make the experience a good one:
Tip #1: What do you actually need?
Warehouse storage isn’t some one-size-fits-all. What you’ll need for a priceless painting or vintage luxury car is not the same as what you’ll need to store a few high-end furnishings, so make sure that your desired storage warehouse actually deals with items like the ones in your possession. Expensive goods may need 24/7 security patrols and other precautions in place to ensure the integrity of the storage area, as well as video surveillance and logs. Some storage warehouses offer this by default, while others may require add-on fees or may not offer it at all. Furthermore, if you’re dealing with inventory that can change at a moment’s notice, you may need after-hours access, so make sure you ask ahead of time before you show up unannounced.
Tip #2: Is the storage centrally located?
If you’re in Los Angeles and your favorite storage provider only exists in another state, you may want to look for a storage warehouse in your local area. Even if it’s the best warehouse you can find, a day-long ride to pick up your things could be a deal-breaker. Not only will it cost you time, but transportation or shipping itself, especially long-distance, can be unpredictable and fraught with externalities beyond your control, particularly with oversized or delicate items that require white-glove service or other considerations. That said, sometimes a remote storage area is the best place for your items from a security standpoint, so be sure to weigh all considerations.
Tip #3: What’s your budget?
As with the storage and transportation of all goods, your budget will largely determine your level of service. Expect to pay more to store expensive or unique items as you’ll want and expect proper handling, security, and other considerations to match. In general, you should look to set aside a certain percentage of the value of your items in storage costs. After all, if your item gets damaged, destroyed, or stolen, you’ll lose your entire investment, so don’t skimp out.
Tip #4: Do you need to scale?
While you may know exactly how much storage you need today, tomorrow is another day, and you could need double, triple, or 10 times the storage space of today, or much less. An adequate warehouse storage company should be able to bump up and peel back your storage as needed, especially as you develop a good working relationship with them. If your provider tries to push you for significantly more or less storage than you need, you may want to consider someone else.
From your friends at AirSea
Here at AirSea Packing Group, we’re a global leader in white-glove shipping and logistics. No matter where you are in the world, and no matter what you need to be stored or shipped, we’re dedicated to serving our clients wherever they may be. From our on-site and in-office teams to our network of fine art agents around the globe, we strive to provide a fantastic experience anytime our clients trust us with their cherished valuables.
Please contact us today for a free quote and to see how we can help you meet your warehouse storage or other shipping needs.