

When and Why You Should Use White-Glove Climate Controlled Storage

Benjamin Glouton

White-glove climate-controlled storage is an ideal option for you when you have a collection of antiques, artwork, or other valuables that you want to store securely and safely away from the elements. This type of storage provides just the right environment for your treasured items. It’s perfect for all sorts of different reasons, from protecting from mold to avoiding humidity damage. Here are just a few examples of when this kind of storage will benefit you.

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White Glove Storage Facility

Hiring the Best Fine Art Handlers

Benjamin Glouton

An Art handler’s job is challenging and requires not only refined skills but also patience, inspiration, and admiration for the artworks, artists, and industry they serve. Here are just a few of the things to consider when looking for fine art handlers: 

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ASP Fine Art Services handling a framed artwork.